Effect on circulation
Thermography shows how Equissage treatment improves blood circulation
Before Equissage treatment
Noticeable vasomotor dysfunction of the limbs, intolerance of the saddle and girth, triggering myofacial pain in the neck and back, reduced sympathetic function.
Blue and green indicate poor blood circulation
After 25 minutes of Equissage treatment
25 minutes of the Equissage belt and 20 minutes in conjunction with the hand unit in the Equissage boot on the left hindquarters.
Rapid and significant improvement in sympathetic function resulting from the increased blood flow which was abnormally low in the affected areas.
Yellow and red indicate an improvement of the blood circulation
After 5 hours of Equissage treatment
The thermal level of the legs and back are back to normal thus indicating the positive effects of Equissage on a complex pain syndrome.
The painful areas have disappeared, there is no more intolerance to the saddle and vasomotor dysfunctions are clearly reduced.